Saleem News: Over 10,000 Rohingya people were killed and their villages burned down by Buddhist Rakhine groups and Burmese security forces.
Members of BRAFA, Shaukhat Jilani
(Chairman), Hussain Saifula (Vice-Chairman), and Max Zubair Ahamad
(General Secretary) with District Director Lois O’Keefe of the
Congresswomen Gwen Moore’s District Office.
(MILWAUKEE, WI) - A delegation of BRAFA (Burmese
Rohingya American Friendship Association) consisting of Shaukhat @ MSK
Jilani (Chairman), Hussain Saifula (Vice-Chairman), and Max Zubair
Ahamad (General Secretary) met with District Director Lois O’Keefe of
the Congresswomen Gwen Moore’s District Office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
on January 23, 2013 and discussed the plight of Burmese Rohingyas and
Arakan Muslim population in Burma.
During the roundtable discussion, BRAFA's President
highlighted and draw the attention of Congresswomen Gwen Moore as
From June 03, 2012 to October 2012, due to the
atrocities, persecutions, ethnic cleansing and genocidal actions carried
out by the Buddhist Rakhine political and elites group with the full
supporting of Burmese military security forces on the indigenous
Rohingya people in Arakan State, Burma which affected:-
1- Over 10,000 Rohingya people were killed and burned down by the
Buddhist Rakhine groups and Burmese security forces in duty, 2- About 20,000 Rohingyas houses plus 57 mosques have
been set fire and destroyed from 70 Muslim villages across 8 Townships
of Arakan, Burma,
3- More than 135,000 Muslim Rohingyas have been
displaced and became homeless and now living in the concentration camps
as internally displaced persons (IDP) and refugees in their own country,
4- The living condition of the concentration camp is
very poor, unhygienic, and overcrowded. the people in the concentration
camp are not getting enough foods, clean water, and medical supplies and
even people cannot move from one place to another, and no safety and
protection at all, as well as elderly people, pregnant women and minor
children are dying day to day because of shortages of food, poor
hygiene, lack of medical facilities and malnutrition.
5- Thousands of Muslim population owned shops, market
and commercial store have been confiscated by the Burmese government
officials and never return back to the rightful owners,
6- hundreds of Muslims women and girls were raped by
the Buddhists Rakhine people and Burmese security forces during the
attack and violence in the name of protecting and helping them, and also
many Muslim youths, students and religious scholars are being arrested
by the Burmese government security forces and charged them with false
and illegal allegations and presently, estimated 1,200 Muslim Rohingyas
are in the Burmese jails in Arakan.
The BRAFA President also explained that Muslim
Rohingyas are deprived of Burmese citizenship rights in Burma and
currently, living as stateless people in their native land. In addition,
the Arakan State Government officials, Immigration Authorities, NASAKA
(Burma Border Security Forces) and Dr. Aye Maung led Rakhine
Nationalities Development Party (RNDP) members are now compelling the
innocent Rohingya people to confess Bengali ethnicity and taking
signatures by force in family data check-up to prove them foreigners.
The leaders and members of RNDP and Arakan State Government authorities
are also being implemented a program of segregation policy not allowing
the Rohingyas and Arakan Muslims to go to Downtown and other places of
inside Arakan State.
He further said that because of continuous
persecutions, looting, torture and harassment by the Burmese security
forces and armed Buddhist Rakhine groups, thousands of Muslim Rohingyas
fled the country through the sea and now entering into neighboring ASEAN
countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia, and
moreover currently, many Rohingya people are under immigration detention
in Thailand and Malaysia who fled the country to escape persecution and
torture at the hands of Burmese security forces and armed Rakhine
groups in Arakan,
The BRAFA Chairman also appealed to Congresswomen Gwen Moore through her
District Director Lois O’Keefe the following three (3) points:-
1- To put paramount pressure on the Burmese President Thein Sein and his
military Government Ministers through US Congress to end atrocities,
rapes, torture and controlled genocide against the civilian Muslim
Rohingya ethnic minority group in Arakan,
2- To introduce a legislation in favor of suffering Rohingya ethnic
minority people of Arakan in the US Congress and also send strong
messages to Burmese President Thein Sein to restore Burmese citizenship
and basic fundamental human rights for the Rohingya ethnic minority
people who were living in Arakan for centuries,
3- Until peace and security prevailing in Arakan State, recommend to
dispatch UN Peace Keeping Forces in Arakan to protect the Rohingya
ethnic minority and Arakan Muslim population from the ongoing
atrocities, gross human rights violation, extermination and genocide
committed by the Burmese government, its security forces and Buddhist
Rakhine people.
Maung Tue (aka) Kamal Hussain
(Information and Publication Secretary)
Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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